
opening night jitters

my first night working at hell's pizza almost ended in disaster. i was on my second or third delivery and i couldn't find the address. i was getting pissed because i kept turning around, and the address was nowhere in sight. finally, i remembered that there were two sections of the street and i was in the wrong section.

i turned left off the side street and i didn't stop because there was no stop sign, even though it's impossible for that street to have right-of-way. just as i turned, i saw a red sporty two-door car coming at me on the driver side. i gave my car more gas and heard him lock up the brakes. i looked in my rear-view mirror and saw the car had spun perpendicular to the road. luckily, it was a backstreet and not a main road.

amazingly, the driver never called to complain. in my 2 years of working at hell's pizza, i've had many close calls. this is the one that could have changed everything, and it's like it never happened.


follow-up: john hancock would be ashamed

on july 24th, i posted that amazing story about the goobers who couldn't get their check signed.

at work today, i noticed a sign on the bulletin board that said: "what is wrong with this check? hint: it's more than one thing." then there was a check underneath it. immediately, i recognized that it was a check from those people i dealt with last saturday. this check also had no signature, but the driver who took it got the license number!! how do you spend a minute writing down a license number without noticing the empty signature line?

i folded the check over to see if it was signed on the back instead. it wasn't. at least i got them to sign it on the back before i told them i couldn't accept it.

best of all, the driver's initials on the check were from our very own red smurf. for those of you who don't know who red smurf is, i can't blame you. he's a contributing team member for this blog, yet he has never once contributed anything.